We Help Improve Local Economies
We provide contract identification and procurement assistance to Native American owned businesses in the Rocky Mountain and Great Plains Regions of the Bureau of Indian Affairs service areas.
By assisting Native American businesses to successfully compete for, secure and execute government contracts, jobs are created and retained bringing many economic benefits to state and local communities.
Our Services
Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)
Navigation Assistance
General Services Administration Awards Schedules
Navigation/Application Assistance
SBA Contract
Assistance Programs
Certification Applications
Buy Indian Act
Identifying Industry and Service Codes
State Commodity Codes
Personal Solicitation Review Access to our online bidmatch tool at no cost
Bid and Proposal Assistance
Increased Subcontracting opportunities
Mentor Protégé Programs
Prime Partnerships
​Troubleshooting Expertise for Managing Registration
Workshops and Trainings for Government Contractors of all Levels
Market Research
Help Identifying Potential and Target Markets
Review Agency spend to identify trends and gaps
Identify set aside and sole source opportunities
Use research to build partnerships with buyers and primes
Capability Statement Review and Preparation
Networking and Matchmaking Events
Get Prepared
Gather your business plan, questions licenses, and relevant business assets and paperwork before applying so you are ready when we connect. Don't worry if you are missing things, we'll help you fill in any gaps once we meet.
How It Works
Contact Our Team
Click here to apply or contact us and we walk you through the process of applying. We are here to be a resource before, during and after your business planning.
Take Action
Once we connect and answer any questions, you will have a plan with all next steps and will be ready to put your plan into action! If you run into any uncertainty along the way, we're here to help if you need us.
Event Calendar
Click on the events below to reveal all of the details.